- Finish Coat
- Base Coat
- Fiberglass Mesh
- Base Coat
- EPS Insulation
- Vent assembly
- Base Coat
- Liquid Barrier
- Gypsum Board
- Metal Stud
Facades Commercial EIFS MD
Facades Commercial EIFS MD™ is our ultimate in Exterior Technology. By incorporating drainage channels and a vent assembly into our Commercial EIFS Plus™ system, we created an exterior that is ready to deal with the toughest weather.
Our concept allows for multiple layers of protection including managed air- flow behind the system, condensation retardants and drainage for incidental moisture.
Facades Commercial EIFS MD™ has a 10 year system warranty, which says every- thing about our confidence in the system and our commitment to you. For superior moisture control with all the insulating qualities of EIFS, you can depend on Facades Commercial EIFS MD!

Details Index
Spec Index
An air barrier Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system minimizes the risk of condensation within the building envelope. It does this by eliminating mass transfer of warm moisture air into the wall assembly to a cold surface where it can condense. A complete air barrier Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system has individual air barrier parts. Including the connections between them. The air barrier parts must be continuous. Then it is an effective air barrier Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system. You must take material compatibility and construction sequencing into account. Only then can an air tight assembly ensure long term durability. Also Consider the effects of air tightness on mechanical ventilation.
This doc contains the specifications for this Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system. These specifications follow a 3 part format.
TAILOR OUR specifications
These specifications cover all the ways of using the Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system. Projects use combinations of these materials and methods. To tailor the specifications to your project use those sections which apply. Place certain parts of the specification in other parts of the project’s total specification. The project design pros are responsible for ensuring that the project specifications are suitable. This specification is to be used with Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system detail drawings and product data sheets etc. For assistance in preparing your specification contact us.
English Units are included in parentheses after the Standard International (SI) equivalents. The conversions represent commonly used equivalents.
An air barrier should not be confused with a vapor retarder. A retarder may be used in the wall assembly to retard water vapor diffusion. Also to reduce the risk of condensation. A vapor retarder is placed on the warm side of the wall. It is placed on the interior side in cold climates. A vapor retarder may not be necessary. It depends on the wall components. Also the range of temps and humidity conditions. As well as the mechanical ventilation. A vapor retarder should not be used in warm humid climates.
Info in this specification is to standard detail and product recommendations for the install of the Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system. It is presented in good faith. We assume no liability to the architecture, engineering or workmanship. To insure that you are using the latest most complete info contact us.
This doc contains all the our requirements for the proper design, use, and install. Use over vertical above grade concrete, masonry, and sheathing. It is intended to be used with typical details and application instructions. Project design parameters may require special details or specifications. The project design pro should prepare this.
1. Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system.
1. Unit Masonry Section 042000.
2. Concrete Sections 03300 and 034000.
3. Light Gauge Cold Formed Steel Framing Section 054000.
4. Wood Framing Section 061000.
5. Sheathing Section 061600.
6. Water Barriers Section 072500.
7.Vapor Retarders Section 072600.
8. Membrane Roofing Section 075000.
9. Flashing and Sheet Metal Section 076000.
10. Joint Protection Section 079000.
11. Windows Section 085000.
12. Metal Support Systems Section 09100.
13. Non load bearing wall framing Non load-bearing metal framing systems Section 09110.
14. Exterior Gypsum Board Substrates Section 09250.
A. ASTM B117. Federal Test Standard.
141A Method 6061. Test Method of Salt Spray Fog Testing.
B. ASTM C79 specification for Gypsum Sheathing Board.
C. ASTM C150 specification for Portland Cement.
D. ASTM C297 Test Method for Tensile Strength of Flat Sandwich Constructions in Flatwise Plane.
E. ASTM D968. Federal Test Standard 141A Method 6191. Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Organic Coatings by Falling Abrasive.
F. ASTM E84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials.
G. ASTM E108. Modified. Method for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings.
H. ASTM E330. Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.
I. ASTM G23. Federal Test Standard 141A Method 6151. Recommended Practice for Operating Exposure Apparatus. (Carbon-Arc Type) With and Without Water, for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials.
J. ASTM C926-98a. Standard specification for Application of Portland Cement Based Plaster.
K. ASTM C1063-99. Standard specification for Install of Lathing and Furring to Receive Interior and Exterior Portland Cement Based Plaster.
L. ASTM C847-95. Standard specification for Metal Lath.
M. C933-96a. Standard specification for Welded Wire Lath.
N. ASTM C1032-96. Standard specification for Woven Wire Plaster Base.
O. Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system Install Details.
P.Cleaning and Recoating.
Q. Expansion Joints and Sealants.
R.Water Vapor Transmission. (FS0111).
S. Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system Application Instructions. (FS0514).
T. Mil Std E5272. Environmental Testing.
U. Mil Std 810B. Environmental Test Methods (mildew resistance)..
V. ULC S101. Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction Materials.
A. Building Expansion Joint. A joint through the building structure. It is designed to accommodate structural movement.
B. Contractor. The contractor that installs this Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS Stucco.
C. Expansion Joint. A discontinuity in the Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS Stucco.
D. Facades. the manufacturer of the Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS Stucco Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system.
E. Finish. An acrylic based coating. It is applied to the outside surface of the base coat.
H. Sheathing. A substrate in sheet form.
I. Substrate. The material to which the Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system is affixed.
J. Substrate Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system. The total wall assembly including the attached substrate.
K. Stucco Finish. The outer most coating.
1.4 Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system DESCRIPTION
A. Commercial Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS MD™ Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system is a (Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS) Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system Class PB. It offers superior Moisture Drainage. The Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system consists of DensGlass Gold sheathing, a water resistive barrier coating (WaterGuard™ Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system), an adhesive, grooved and beveled expanded polystyrene insulation board, internal vinyl tracks, base coat, reinforcing mesh(es),stucco finish and sealant.
B. Method of Install. This Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system is applied to the substrate.
- Design Requirements.
1. Acceptable Substrates for this Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system are.
- Unglazed brick, cement plaster, concrete, or masonry.
b. Gypsum board meeting ASTM C1396.
c. Silicone treated gypsum sheathing surfaced with inorganic fiberglass mats meeting ASTM C1177.
d. Exterior fiber reinforced cement and calcium silicate boards meeting ASTM C1235.
e. APA Exterior or Exposure 1 rated Plywood Grade C D or better. 13 mm (1/2 in), minimum 4 ply.
f. APA Exposure 1 rated OSB. nominal 13 mm (1/2 in).
- Deflection of substrate systems shall not exceed L/240.
- The slope of inclined surfaces shall not be less than 6:12.
- The length of inclined surfaces (EPS shapes) shall not exceed 305 mm (12 in).
- Expansion Joints.
- Location of expansion joints is the responsibility of the project designer. It shall be noted on the project drawings. Expansion joints shall be placed at the following locations.
- Expansion Joints.
1) Where expansion joints are in the substrate.
2) Where building expansion joints are.
3) At floor lines.
4) Where this Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system abuts dissimilar materials.
5) Where the substrate changes.
6) In continuous elevations at intervals less than 144 ft2 (13 m2) of surface area.
7) Where structural movement occurs. The max uncontrolled length or width is 5.5 lineal meters (18 lineal feet). Max uncontrolled length to ratio of 2 ½.
8) It is the responsibility of the project design team to determine expansion joint placement.
- Terminations.
- Shall be held back from adjoining materials a min of 19 mm (3/4 in) for sealant.
b. Terminated a min of 200 mm (8 in) above finished grade.
c. Sealants.
1) Supplied by others.
2) Compatible with the Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system materials.
3) The sealant backer rod shall be of closed cell.
- Vapor Retarders. Use and location of vapor retarders is the responsibility of the project designer. It shall be noted on the project drawings and specifications.
- The use of dark colors must be considered in relation to wall surface temp. Use of dark colors in high temp climates can affect the performance of the Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system.
D. Performance Requirements.
- This Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system shall have been tested for durability as follows.
a. Abrasion Resistance. ASTM D968 (Federal Test Standard 141A Method 6191). no deleterious effects after 500 liters (132 gal).
- Accelerated Weathering. ASTM G23 (Federal Test Standard 141A Method 6151) 2000 hours. No deterioration.
c. Mildew Resistance. Mil Std 810B. passes.
d. Salt Spray Resistance. ASTM B117 (Federal Test Standard 141A Method 6061) 5%. Concentration for 300 hours. No deleterious effect.
- Fire performance.
- Flame Spread ASTM E84. When tested individually the adhesives and coatings shall have a Flame Spread index not exceeding 20. A Smoke Developed index not exceeding 10.
A. Product Data. The Contractor shall submit Manufacturer’s product data sheets describing products which will be used.
B. Samples. The Contractor shall submit two samples of this Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system for each stucco finish, texture and color to be used. The same tools and techniques for the actual install shall be used. Samples shall be of size to represent each color and texture.
- The applicator shall submit schedules and detail drawings. The drawings shall show details and other items as required. Then a proper evaluation can be made.
D. Test Reports. When requested the Contractor shall submit selected test reports. They must verify the performance of this Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system.
A. Qualifications.
- Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system Manufacturer. Shall be Facades. All materials shall be manufactured or sold by us. All shall be purchased from us or its distributor.
- Materials shall be manufactured at a facility covered by a current ISO. 9001:2000 certification. Certification of the facility shall be done by a registrar accredited by the American National Standards Institute. Registrar Accreditation Board (ANSI-RAB).
- Contractor. Shall be knowledgeable in the proper install of the Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system. They shall be experienced in the install of Stucco Systems. They shall possess a trained certificate from us.
B. Certifications.
- This Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system shall be approved for use by building code authorities.
- Mock Up.
- The Contractor shall provide a mock up for approval.
- The mock up shall be the size required to represent the products being installed. Also include each stucco finish color and texture to be used.
- Use the same equipment and techniques as the actual application. The stucco finish used shall be from the same batch as that being used.
- The approved mock up shall be available at the job site.
A. All materials shall be delivered to the job site in the original, unopened packages.
- Upon arrival. Materials shall be inspected for physical damage, freezing, or overheating. Questionable materials shall not be used.
- Materials shall be stored at the jobsite. Store in a cool, dry location, out of sunlight. Protected from weather and other damage. Min storage temp shall be 7°C (45 °F) for Coatings and Primers. 10 °C (50 °F) for other wet products. Minimize exposure of materials to temps over 32 °C (90 °F). Finishes exposed to temps over 43 °C (110 °F) for even short periods may exhibit skinning. Increased viscosity and should be inspected prior to use.
A. Environmental Requirements.
1. Application shall not take place during inclement weather. Protect materials from inclement weather.
2. Application of wet materials shall be at a min temp of 4 °C (40 °F), 7 °C(45 °F) or 10 °C (50 °F) depending on product and rising. Maintain for a min of 24 hours or until completely dry.
B. Existing Conditions.
- The Contractor shall have access to power and water. The are shall be clean.
- Install of this Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system shall be coordinated with other trades.
- Sufficient manpower and equipment shall be used for continuous operation.
A. We shall provide a limited warranty against defective material upon written request. We make no other warranties. We don’t warrant workmanship. Full details are available.
A. It is the responsibility of both the specifier and the purchaser to determine if a product is suitable for their intended use. The designer shall be responsible for design, detail, structural capability, attachment details, shop drawings and the like. We have prepared guidelines in the form of specifications, application details and product data sheets to help the design process only. We are not liable for any errors in design, detail, structural capability, attachment details, shop drawings, or the like. Whether based upon the info prepared by us or otherwise. As well as changes which may have been made to our published comments.
- Maintenance and repair shall follow procedures noted in this Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system Application Instructions. (FS0514)
B. All products are designed to minimize maintenance. Some cleaning of the stucco finish may be required.
- Sealants and flashings should be inspected regularly. Make repairs as necessary.
A. All components shall be obtained from us or our distributors.
A. Portland Cement: Shall be Type I, I-II or II, meeting ASTM C150. White or gray in color, fresh and free of lumps.
B. Water: Shall be clean.
C. Mechanical Fasteners: Shall be Wind-Lock’s Wind Devil™ plates or equivalent. Used in conjunction with corrosion resistant fasteners.
A. WaterGuard:
1. Joint Treatment: WaterStop Fill-Ready mixed acrylic based flexible joint treatment for rough opening protection and joint treatment of wall sheathing.
2. Water-Resistant Coating: WaterStop Coat- ready mixed acrylic based water-resistant coating for wall sheathing.
A. Adhesives. Used to adhere the EPS architectural shapes to the Base Coat.
- Cementitious. A liquid polymer based material which is field mixed with Portland cement. Used over non wood based substrates.
- Shall be Base Coat.
- Ready mixed. A dry blend cementitious, copolymer based product. It is field mixed with water. Its used over non wood based substrates.
- Dry Mix Base Coat.
A. The back side of the Insulation Board shall have factory cut vertical grooves measuring 6.4 mm
(1/4 in) deep by 25 mm (1 in) wide, spaced 305 mm (12 in) on center.
B. Insulation Board. Expanded polystyrene meeting our specifications for Insulation Board. supplied by an EPS board supplier licensed by us.
B. Architectural Shapes. Expanded polystyrene meeting Facades Specification. Supplied by an EPS board supplier licensed by us.
- Base Coat. Shall be compatible with the EPS architectural shapes and reinforcing mesh.
- Cementitious. A liquid polymer based material. It is field mixed with Portland cement.
- Wet Base Coat.
- Non cementitious. A factory mixed fully formulated water based product.
- Synthetic Base Coat.
- Ready mixed. A dry blend cementitious copolymer based product field mixed with water.
- Dry Mix Base Coat.
D. Reinforced Meshes. Shall be a balanced open weave glass fiber fabric. It shall be treated for compatibility with other Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system materials. It shall be available in the following weights. It shall provide the indicated min tensile strengths:
1. RM100: 152 g/m2.
(4.5 oz/yd2); 27 g/cm
(150 lbs/in).
2. RM100x: 203 g/m2.
(6 oz/yd2); 36 g/cm
(200 lbs/in).
3. RM310:407 g/m2.
(12 oz/yd2); 54 g/cm
(300 lbs/in).
4. RM109: 146 g/m2 (4.3 oz/yd2);
27 g/cm
(150 lbs/in).
E. Admix. A modified acrylic binder.
F. stucco Finish. Shall be the type, color and texture as selected by the architect. It shall be one or more of the following.
- Acrylic stucco finish. (water-based, acrylic coatings with integral color and texture).
A Quartz Tex stucco finish. Swirl texture.
b. Fine Quartz Tex Stucco finish. Fine swirl texture.
c. Free Stylus Stucco Finish. Fine or varied texture.
d. Pebble Float Stucco Finish. Pebble texture.
E Sand Float Stucco finish. Sand texture.
Elastomeric Stucco Finish. water based acrylic coating.
A Quart zTex Stucco Finish. Swirl texture.
b. Fine Quartz Tex Stucco Finish. Fine swirl texture.
c. Free stylus Stucco Finish. Fine or var- ied texture.
d. Pebble Float Stucco Finish.Pebble texture.
E Sand Float Stucco Finish. Sand texture.
- Specialty Stucco Finish. Factory mixed, water-based acrylic.
- Coatings Shall be water based, acrylic coating with integral color and or texture and be one of the following.
- Acrylic Paint: Non textured.
- Elastomeric Paint: Non textured.
elastomeric coating.
- BellaCoat™ T: Textured elastomeric coating.
- Primers and Sealers.
- Primer: A water based acrylic primer.
- Sealer: Clear acrylic sealer.
G. Facades Starter Strip.
1. A 51 mm x 152 mm x 1.2 m (2 in x 6 in x 4 ft) piece of aged expanded polystyrene configured to receive the Track and Vent components. It is required at the base of all walls, at base of horizontal compartments, and heads of windows and other openings.
H. Facades Vent Assembly
1. A 51 mm x 152mm x 305 mm (2 in x 6 in x 12 in) piece of aged expanded polystyrene, which is configured to contain a formed aggregate matrix material and receive the Facades Vent Track. It is required at the base of walls and the base of horizontal compartments and is capable of draining water.
I. Facades Vent Track
1. A “J” shaped track complying with ASTM D 1784 and ASTM C 1063 containing a slot for venting and drainage and located above the Facades Vent Assembly, along the base of walls and horizontal compartments.
J. Facades Track
1. A “J” shaped track complying with ASTM D 1784 and ASTM C 1063 located above the Facades Starter Strip.
A. Secondary Moisture Protection Barrier. A secondary weather barrier must be installed over sheathed substrates. It must be wrapped into rough openings prior to install.
1. Acceptable Secondary Moisture Protection Barriers include. Tyvek® StuccoWrap™ and equals that comply with local building codes. Other code approved asphalt saturated papers are also acceptable. Trowel or roller applied weather barriers can be used if a layer of polymeric weather resistive barrier is applied over it.
- Install the Secondary Moisture Protection Barrier over the substrate. Install it according to specifications and code requirements.
- The Secondary Moisture Protection Barrier shall be free of any damage. It must be applied to all surfaces.
- Wrap the Secondary Moisture Protection Barrier into rough openings. Do this to increase the level of moisture protection to the building frame and interior.
- Coordinate work with other trades.
Prior to install of this Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system ensure that the substrate.
- Is of a type listed in Section 1.04.C.1.
- Is flat within 6.4 mm (1/4 in) in 1.2 m (4 ft) radius.
- Is sound, dry. Connections are tight. Has no conditions that may interfere with this Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system install.
B. The contractor shall notify the GC of all discrepancies.
- Prior to the install of this Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system. All needed waterproofing details shall have been completed.
A. The substrate shall be free of foreign materials.
A. Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS Plus Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system shall be installed in accordance with the application instructions.
B. The overall min base coat thickness shall be sufficient to fully embed the mesh. The recommended method is to apply the base coat in two (2) passes.
C. Commercial Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS Plus base coat surfaces in contact with sealant shall be coated with our Primer. Sealant shall not be applied directly to textured finishes or base coat surfaces.
D. When install of Commercial Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS Plus under ICC National Building Code jurisdiction. The notched trowel method of adhesive application shall be used over gypsum board.
E. The DensGlass Gold sheathing shall be installed in accordance with Georgia-Pacific DensGlass Gold Application and Install Procedures for Facades Commercial Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS MD™ Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system.
A. The Contractor is responsible for the proper application.
B. We assume no responsibility for application of products.
- If required, the Contractor shall certify in writing the quality of work performed. It will be relative to the substrate Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system, details, install procedures, workmanship and products used.
D. If required, the EPS supplier shall certify in writing that the EPS meets our specifications.
E. If required, the sealant Contractor shall certify in writing that the sealant application is in accordance with the sealant manufacturer’s recommendations.
A. All excess materials shall be removed from the job site. It will be done in accordance with applicable law.
B. All areas where this Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system has been installed shall be left free of debris.
A. This Moisture drainage air ventilation EIFS system shall be protected from damage.
This is the end of the specification section of this page.
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