Stucco Foundation Weep Screed


  • Use at the bottom of Stucco systems.
  • Will not rust
  • 8 foot length
  • Weep holes located at the bottom for system drainage.
  • PVC material conforming to ASTM standards D1784, C1063 and D4216-99

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Galvanized Metal Vinyl Stucco Foundation Weep Screed

One component to be considered in building houses and any infrastructure is the installation of galvanized metal vinyl stucco foundation weep screed.

What is weep screed?

If this term seems to be unfamiliar, you might ask what does the term means. As defined by other sources, it is a type of material use for construction building. It is mostly used together with the base of stucco exterior walls. It is very useful because in the absence of weep screed, the water absorbed through a wall made of stucco will be stocked in the structure. And it may result to serious problems of mold, rot, and algae.

Weep screed functions as the best opening that can lead the moisture to easily flow on the finished stucco wall above the house’ foundation.

Why choose galvanized metal vinyl stucco foundation weep screed?

It is recommended to install weep screed that is made of galvanized metal for some reasons:

  1. It will help in minimizing rust and deterioration for a long period of time.
  2. It has a longer vertical extension on one end having nail holes that can be used to attach extension to the wall.
  3. Typically, building owners are installing weep screed in ensuring adequate drainage system.

The walls that have eifs stucco system that is already defected should be repaired immediately. The most important step is to replace it with a new galvanized metal vinyl stucco foundation weep screed. It is important that before the damage gets into a serious problem you have to change the old one with a new one which can last for a long time.

Basic steps to replace weep screed

  1. Get 12 inches measurement from the lowest part of the wall. Use tape measure to get the measurement. Put a mark on the designated location using a special marker (felt-tip). Do the same process on the other sides of the wall.
  2. Make broken lines on the marks you made on the first step using a piece of chalk.
  3. Using a carbide blade, cut the chalk line with a circular saw.
  4. To separate eifs and stucco from the metal board, you should tap the lower part of it through a sledge hammer.
  5. To secure the metal board to the wall cladding, you should take away the used staples or nails through the use of pliers. Lift up the metal board until it reaches the weep screed foundation.
  6. Through the use of pry bar, you can remove the old weep screed foundation
  7. . Take off the weep screed and leave it out.
  8. Install the new weep screed beside the lowest region of the wall.
  9. You should use a nail gun to secure your installation.

If you want excellent eifs stucco foundation weep screed that can provide you better drainage system, you can install your walls with the newest and quality galvanized metal vinyl stucco foundation weep screed. It is the best choice if you want a rust free eifs stucco foundation weep screed. It is your task to secure your walls from moisture that may result to serious damages. As early as possible, find quality galvanized metal vinyl stucco foundation weep screed that caters to give you better drainage services.



Additional information

Weight1 lbs
Dimensions96 × 1 × 1 in

1/2", 5/8", 3/4", 7/8", 7/8" with extended leg